In her own words…

“My passion from an early age was health and wellness. I loved to read and to study. I found in Biochemistry a fundamental platform that could apply to many aspects of health and disease. I earned my BS, MS and Ph.D. degrees in Biochemistry.

I joined Hoffmann La Roche January 2, 1969 and established an obesity program. My personal research was in obesity and pharmacological approaches to the regulation of metabolism. I have over 100 research papers in peer reviewed journals in the field of regulation of energy balance, including biochemical mechanisms involved in lipid metabolism, appetite regulation and thermogenesis. I rose rapidly within Roche and ultimately became VP and Head of Drug Discovery in the USA.

In January 1990, I moved to Basel, Switzerland to Roche's Global Headquarters. I became a leader of globalization of Research and Development, and with my team created a global team-based approach to drug development, which took molecules approved for development through clinical trials, manufacturing, regulatory approval and marketing. As there were four Research Centers in Roche at that time (Switzerland, USA, United Kingdom and Japan), a globalized approach was needed, and talent from all research centers was needed to lead these globalized teams.

After retiring from Roche, I became a Corporate Director on various Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology and Molecular Diagnostics boards. I chose young start-up companies, where my global experience in drug development could add value.

I have been blessed with being able to convert my passion in health and wellness into my career. I have now expanded my passion to include Art in its broadest perspectives, as a critical contributor to health, wellness and longevity. I am a Board member of the San Diego Museum of Art and the Kyoto Symposium Organization.

I intend to pursue my passion if I can add value. In my opinion living a life of Purpose is a life-well lived.”