N. Inez (Vitato) Fuchs was born on March 11, 1925, in the state of Oklahoma located in the middle of the United States of America, to Ernest and Jesse (Mullennix) Vitato.

Inez’s family were farm owners and renters of land located in the Western part of Oklahoma.  She, along with her brother and two sisters, worked on the farms helping with cultivating crops and raising cattle.  The 1930’s brought about a drought called the “Dust Bowl,” and life was hard for farm families in Western Oklahoma. 

Inez attended several schools during this time as her family moved frequently trying to find a place to survive the hard times caused by the drought and the economic depression that had hit the United States.

After Inez was graduated from high school in 1942, she traveled to Oklahoma City to attend Draughon’s Business School.  World War II was being fought at this time, and like so many others, Inez discontinued her education to work in the Douglas Air Craft Factory to contribute to the war effort.  During this time she met and married Howard Glenn Fuchs, and she moved to Pampa, Texas, where her husband was stationed in the US Army Air Corps. 

When World War II came to a close, Inez and Howard moved to the Fuchs family farm and began their life long journey of establishing and expanding their cattle and wheat farm business.

Inez and Howard raised four girls, Linda, Sharon, Beverly, and Debbie, all of whom Inez taught to sew, cook, and preserve food that was raised on the farm.  All four girls attended and were graduated from college.

Inez, frugal yet generous, has lived her life as a faithful wife, a believer in Jesus Christ, a caring mother, a hard worker, and a faithful member of her church.

Upon retiring from the farm life in 2019 at the age of 94 years, Inez moved once again to Oklahoma City -- this time to be near her family.